
Alternate İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

İçinde Alternate olan İngilizce Cümle Örnekleri

Alternate sözcüğü İngilizce bir sözcük olup anlamı “Alternatif”. İngilizce öğrenme konusunda pratik yapmak istiyorsanız bu örnekleri incelemenizi öneririm. Aşağıda Alternate (Alternatif) ile ilgili cümle örnekleri bulunmakta. Eğer Alternate (Alternatif) ile ilgili bildiğiniz cümle örnekleri varsa lütfen yorum bölümünden bizlerle paylaşın. Unutmayın ki bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.

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Alternate (Alternatif) Hakkında İngilizce Cümleler

I propose an alternate solution – you drive and I’ll give directions.
We had to use our alternate goalkeeper as our primary one is sick.
The road to work was blocked by road works, so I used an alternate route.
His feelings for her continue to alternate between infatuation and loathing.
The temperature this year alternates between being too hot and being too cold.
I alternate between being happy and being sad all depending on how the Ottawa Senators fare.
Although I’ve had a wife for 12 years, I’ve been “getting it on” with an alternate person down at the club called Chuck.
It brought about the use of peat and coal as alternate sources of energy.
Some varieties bear both flowers and fruit more heavily in alternate years.
The story would still be amazing without the magic and the alternate reality.
Also this year, as in the past two summers, the museum will be open on alternate Sundays.
We exchanged alternate looks of bemusement at the ravings of the woman in line ahead of us, who wanted to return a used toothbrush for a full refund.
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