
Agreement İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

İçinde Agreement olan İngilizce Cümle Örnekleri

Agreement sözcüğü İngilizce bir sözcük olup anlamı “anlaşma, sözleşme, mukavele”. İngilizce öğrenme konusunda pratik yapmak istiyorsanız bu örnekleri incelemenizi öneririm. Aşağıda Agreement ile ilgili cümle örnekleri bulunmakta. Eğer Agreement ile ilgili bildiğiniz cümle örnekleri varsa lütfen yorum bölümünden bizlerle paylaşın. Unutmayın ki bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.

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Agreement Hakkında İngilizce Cümleler

This agreement is binding on all parties.
Britain refused to be part of the agreement.
I am in agreement with most of what he says.
Monroe and Pinkney had signed the agreement.
The agreement gave Britain control over Egypt.
Two big powers have signed a secret agreement.
He grunted his agreement without looking at me.
The Indians were not happy with this agreement.
Tom wanted Mary to sign a prenuptial agreement.
He negotiated a free trade agreement with Canada.
Many couples nowadays sign prenuptial agreements.
I’m in complete agreement with everything he said.
I hope my partner can come to an agreement with you.
You really should get this agreement down in writing.
There is not one person who is in agreement with the plan.
If two people are in agreement, one of them is unnecessary.
The details of the agreement were worked out behind the scenes.
There is very little probability of an agreement being reached.
Some member countries have been lax in abiding by G-7 agreements.
After conferring for several hours, they made the agreements public.
His oral agreement may not mean anything without his signed contract.
My supervisor looked at the revised schedule and nodded his agreement.
Sometimes I have the impression that we’ll never come to an agreement.
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